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Our Senior Showcase

Every year, the Communications Academy hosts a Senior Showcase. This provides an opportunity for students to present the work they accumulated throughout their time in the academy to their peers. In 2023/24 school year, the 13th Annual Indian Trail Senior Showcase was held on

May 17th.

2022 Showcase!

KUSD District-wide art show

Kenosha Unified School District holds an annual District-Wide Art Show at the Kenosha Public Museum, in Downtown Kenosha. This past year (2024), the show held its grand opening on March 30. The following students within our academy had their work featured at the 2024 Art Show:

Freshman: Christina Castro, Ivonne Delvale-Vera, Annesa Martinez, Elias Morse, Jakob Mueller, Anali Vivera, Trevor Wood. Sophomores: Alyssandra Becker, Phoenix Comstock, Alyssa Flannery, Kalynn Gibson, Kaylee Gonzalez, Myleea Jordan, Marley Kirby, Toby Kraus, Yara Museitef, Julio Ramirez, Alyson Sanchez, Rashun Toney, Elisa Vidales. Juniors: Annika Arellano, Michelle Corona, Victoria Jarencio, Jamie Perez, Magdalena Rhyne, Kyler Turcotte, Maren Van Schnydel. Seniors: Daniela Banda-Hernandez, Ender Barnlund, Addison Busby, Anya Forster, James Hauserm Alyson Kiernan, Laura Nicholson, Keegan Schilz, Evan Smith, Margot Torresin, Katelyn Wilson.

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